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Strength Based Team for 2013

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    Welcome Back!

    TEC Direct Media team meet for annual agency meeting 2013.

    Last Thursday and Friday we returned from the holiday break and took a couple days for our annual agency planning meetings.  I love these meetings because they’re not routine, everyone participates and we’re fed well.  It was also great to have our team members from NY and Nashville join us in Chicago to celebrate our accomplishments and collaboratively generate goals for 2013.  Now we can all hit the ground running today.

    One of my favorite exercises from our meetings was sharing and reviewing the top five talent themes of each staff member, as assessed by Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0.  Our conversations were lively to say the least.  If you and your team haven’t done this you should (or at least read the book and take the assessment on your own). I’ve always loved the concept of “soaring with your strengths” but now our team navigates the road ahead recognizing our individual strengths and collective potential.  Not to get all Dr. Phil on you, but it’s inspirational and motivating and perhaps the whole reason I chose to do it as a group.  We not only have a better idea of how to accomplish what we need to as a company but how each team player can help us get there.  We learned and laughed a lot with each other…perhaps the best benefit of all.

    So we’re off, eager to make a positive difference for our clients’ business this year and striving to reach our goals through strength-based teamwork.  The next time you’re on the phone with one of us, ask us what one of our strengths is.


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    Target. Excite. Connect.

    We plan and buy media for agencies, brands, and artists so they can generate awareness, acquire new customers and drive sales.  As a top media agency in Chicago, we use media, and the data derived from it, as the power vehicles delivering great messages to audiences that want to discover, advocate for and purchase your product or service.

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